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Hammer Nutrition Anti Fatigue Caps - Reduce Exercise Fatigue During Endurance Sports

RM 170.00
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Eliminate endurance barriers
  • Eliminates “heavy legs”
  • Ammonia-scavenging formula promotes endurance
  • Fights everyday fatigue
  • Expiry: 09/2027

Anti-Fatigue Caps is truly a “there’s nothing else like it anywhere” supplement, one that greatly extends endurance by effectively neutralizing the fatigue-causing effects of ammonia build-up, often referred to as “the endurance athlete’s worst enemy.” Three well-known ammonia-scavenging compounds make up this unique formula, helping to prevent the dreaded “heavy” legs sensation and extend energy output.

Consume 2-4 capsules one hour prior to training. This would provide an initial dose of 500-1000 mg magnesium/potassium aspartate, and 480-960 mg of OKG, an excellent dose at the onset of an endurance workout or race.

An additional 1-2 capsules each hour, at the two-hour mark and beyond, during extended endurance sessions is also suggested.

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